My own bucket list

You have several plans and goals
but you never managed to realize them?

"My own bucket list" App helps you to organize yourself                 
in order to realize all your goals:
Organize yourself and collect and realize your own goals!
Get it now and change your life!

Main Features

-Create your own personalized bucket list
-Collect your own goals you want to achieve
-Plan single steps to realize your goals
-Prioritize your plans
-Use different categories and filters
-Export milestones to your calendar
-Rank realized plans
-Share realized plans with your friends

Sample Screens of App


About Screen with main features...


Categories and filters

Overview of available categories and filters.
All categories can be set/edited and deleted individually.
Available filters are status/priority/ranking...


Show list of filtered buckets...

Filtered View

Show only buckets of selected category...

Special category view

Set or change the filter settings...

Set Filter settings

Show all buckets via List icon..


View or edit bucket details...

- Edit bucket name
-Set a planned date
-Take a photo or chose one from your photo album
-Set or change a bucket category from your own category list
-Give a special bucket description
-Set a priority for the bucket
-Add the bucket planned date to your calendar
-Change the bucket status in case the bucket is accomplished

Detail View

Show or edit preparation steps...

- Set a deadline for a preparation step
- Change the status of a preparation step (open/finished)
- Export preparation step to your calendar

Preparation Steps

Rank bucket...

-Set accomplished date
-Rank bucket
-Share bucket with friends

bucket ranking

Share bucket with friends...

share bucket